Easy RACF Query Overview
Designed and developed for RACF Administrators by RACF Administrators with over 25 years of continuous hands-on experience – ERQ includes all of the online functions necessary to automate the entire security administration process, including many options not found in other third party tools. All ERQ Online Services screens are completely customizable, having been built using ERQ Programming Services, it is a snap to add new functions and/or modify existing ones. ERQ allows you to customize the screens with the functions that you use most often. ERQ provides all of the tools you need to manage and monitor security in one easy-to-use package. ERQ is also an invaluable programming aide that retrieves RACF information for REXX and/or CLIST custom written RACF applications. ERQ increases productivity by providing you with easy access to both the live and archived RACF database. ERQ provides a library of sample executable applications that the user can easily modify to fit their environment’s needs. Administrators now have the ability to write their own applications without seeking the assistance of the system programmers..
Administrative Functions
User Functions
Group Functions
Data Set Functions
Resource Functions
Reporting Features
User Reports
Group Reports
Connect Reprts
Data Set Reports
Resource Reports

ERQ Highlights
- Provides comprehensive, yet simple, on-line reporting & administration
- User-friendly ISPF interface
- Administration functions, ad-hoc command builder and online reporting
- Easily CLONE, DELETE, LIST and/or REPLICATE profi les with a single key stroke
- Screen level help panels
- Formatted, scrollable LIST output
- REPLICATE multiple profi les in a single step
- SAVE command allows RACF information to be easily exported to a fi le for input to other processes
- Fully customizable interface providing fl exibility and effi ciency
- Masking and extensive lists of selection criteria allow you to generate as much or as little data as is required for your reporting needs
- Up to 50% less expensive that most other RACF tools
- Easy to use straight-forward commands
- “High-Level Qualifi er” reporting
- No learning curve
- Provides an API-like interface to RACF for for creating customized applications & solutions
- Makes RACF information easily accessible to CLIST and REXX procedures
- RACF information is stored in a VSAM database for fast and easy access
- ‘Plug’ RACF tasks into in-house written custom routines
- Allows the user to customize their own screens to the functions they use most often
- Library of sample executable applications are pro vided. Samples can be customized or can be used as is.
- Support for Universal Groups, PROTECTED and RESTRICTED user attributes
- Access to live & archived RACF databases
- Stores RACF information into ISPF variables & tables
- Easy real-time access to RACF profi les without APF module functions
- Format & execute RACF commands without knowing syntax
- Format one or many commands & review commands as they process
- Can be used independently or to enhance other third party or ‘homegrown’ programs