TDM Solution – Make or Buy?

The TOP5 ARGUMENTS why developing your own test data management solution is no longer profitable today

Perhaps in the old z/OS days, hand-crafted solutions for procuring test data were a suitable approach to TDM. But today, with data-driven business models, heterogeneous database landscapes, with vigorous legal compliance regulations and the need for continuous testing, TDM has become a complex issue. For this reason, there are experts today who offer mature TDM solutions to the market…

The following TOP5 arguments against using an in-house developed TDM tool:

TOP5 – Significantly fewer features at the same cost

License costs vs. development costs: Let’s assume that the equivalent of the license costs of an optimal Plug & Play TDM solution would be about 3.5 years of development cost. To put down a comprehensive development for back-end, front-end and quality assurance in this time period is a huge challenge. And by the time you’re done, it could well be that parts of the software are already outdated. Moreover, it will certainly not be possible to develop anything like all the features of the advanced system from experts.

TOP4 – Internal frictional losses due to immature system

The keyword “advanced” brings us to the next point. A newly developed system must first reach a certain level of maturity. Until then, numerous expensive frictional losses related to growing pains can occur.

TOP3 – TDM development is outside the core competence

No matter what area of expertise the company represents: Programming TDM solutions is unlikely to be part of the IT department’s core competence. An external and specialized developer who does nothing, but TDM software will have a massive advantage in know-how. In this respect, the “make-option” would certainly be a waste of energy.

TOP2 – TDM tool is an auxiliary tool and not the main purpose

Tools for testing and thus also for obtaining suitable test data are primarily auxiliary tools for quality assurance. Even though this is an important and indispensable function, it is not the actual purpose of the IT department. This department should rather concentrate its efforts on the implementation of technical processes with regard to the core business of the company.

TOP1 – Development resources are in absolute short supply

The TOP1 argument why in-house development of a test data management solution is no longer economically viable today is quite simply the great scarcity of the resource “developer”. And this raises the question: should a company actually use this precious resource to develop a utility tool? After all, additional software developers are already urgently needed for the company’s own core development.

We would be happy to present our advanced TDM Automation Software XDM and demonstrate the features and their practical application in an individual webinar.


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XDM - The agile test data platform for agile teamwork

Visit the XDM product page for a complete overview of its great features!