Test Data Management

XDM vs. IBM Optim – Why Companies Make the Switch

Companies often face a choice between several TDM solutions, including IBM Optim and UBS Hainer’s XDM. – Based on customer feedback, this article shows how the solutions differ in detail and why many companies choose XDM as a more powerful alternative.

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Bulk data for system and release tests

Best-Practice: Test data procurement in the context of continuous software development (PART 3/3). Before the new or modified applications go live, system, release, load or performance tests are applied. For this purpose, no fine-grained customized test case data is needed, but production-related data in larger quantities is required. These tests are

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Customized test case data for functional, component and regression testing

Best-Practice: Test data procurement in the context of continuous software development (PART 2/3). The further development of an application usually means that different features or even bug fixes need to be implemented. Ideally, each feature gets its own environment. This environment contains only the relevant data for that particular case.

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