z/OS Partner Products

UBS Hainer works with:

We are proud of distributing the following products:



Native CICS PDF creation for web-enabled mainframe applications. CICS2PDF is mainframe software which dynamically creates secure PDF documents for CICS applications. CICS2PDF leverages the advanced PDF overlays and scripting capabilities of our JES2Mail/JES2FTP suite to provide a permanent, portable, secure output solution using Adobe’s PDF format. Release 1.1 of CICS2PDF is now available.




Modernize, secure and deliver mainframe report content with JES2Mail/JES2FTP. Transform mainframe JES and other reports into PDF, XML, HTML, and spreadsheet-ready formats; encrypt and secure the content; and deliver the results to email in-boxes or network servers.




provides an easy to use interface which allows you to test date-dependent logic in Db2 for z/OS applications with minimum system impact. SoftDate was originally developed to assist in the increasing need to have e-Application 21st Century Calendar Compliance, easily integrating as a standard step in the final stages of program testing. However, many programs have features that are activated only under certain date and time conditions. Some common examples include: Accounting processes for end of month, quarter, or year.




(E)JES is a systems management tool that provides all the information you need to monitor, manage, and control your z/OS® JESplex—whether you are running JES2 or JES3. (E)JES panels provide up-to-date information on jobs, printers, queues, and resources in a z/OS JESplex. You can enter (E)JES commands directly from these panels to manage job processes and the operation of system resources.




Publish report content using the the RSS 2.0 WebFeed Publication Standard. Announcing JES2RSS, a combination of JES2FTP with the new RSS web feed publication option. The RSS publication is very conducive to business report delivery. It has advantages over email delivery and FTP delivery of report content.




Streamline z/OS application updating and processing with Mail2ZOS/FTPSweeper. Simplify the updating of z/OS application data and ‘on demand’ processing via email messages and/or attachments. Eliminate open FTP ports, simplify TSO account management, and reduce calls to operations to ‘run a job’.




zHISR lets you quickly pinpoint areas of a software application that needlessly use large amounts of CPU resources by analyzing program output. This z/OS utility is a useful tool for software programmers, performance analysts and systems programmers.



IMAGE Control Environment 

ICE detects changes, points of failure, and risks to the integrity of the z/OS systems. ICE help systems staff to examine the system and document for management, security and audit teams, that their job is being done correctly, has been verified and does not have further unintentional adverse impact outside of where the change was made.
A background monitor activates a virtual IPL for each image (and its alternate images) using the zOS-Inspector, Sysplex-Inspector, and primary
sub-system inspectors (e.g. JES, VTAM, TCPIP) maintaining in-depth change-management and documentation of your images.




The Control Editor

TCE extends the Image FOCUS Control Environment and, in doing so, provides Image FOCUS users an ISPF platform from which they can both control and manage access and changes to critical datasets. It works with the installed security product (RACF, CA-ACF2, CA-TSS) to



Stand Alone Environment 

SAE IPLs in 7 seconds and allows access to MVS volumes and datasets without having an z/OS active. Full range of ISPF like features, Fast DASD Erase to delete a farm in less than 30 minutes and Dataset Utilities to ensure critical datasets are always immediately accessible including restore of datasets from DFDSS & FDR volume backups. The IMAGE FOCUS feature validates, reports on and corrects all system definitions before an IPL (essential in a sysplex).




MegaCryption provides encryption, data integrity and digital signature functions for virtually any type of data within a z/OS, WIN, UNIX or LINUX environment. MegaCryption provides an OpenPGP non-proprietary, cost-effective approach to encrypting critical data at rest and in motion.


ERQ – Easy RACF Query

ERQ is an automated ISPF RACF administrative & reporting utility that is simple, powerful and best of all inexpensive! With the push of a button, reports may be produced, RACF commands may be automatically generated, and ‘clean-up’ tasks may be streamlined – with little or no training necessary. Extensive help messages guide the user through the product. In Addition, ERQ enables RACF analysts to create their own custom RACF applications using a straightforward API.