Webinar: Agile Test Data for Agile Testers
Wed, May 10, 2023 at 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CEST
When it comes to agile test data, the two main pillars that support agile testing are Automatic Testing, used in deployment pipelines, and Manual Testing, used in exploratory testing. These two areas have one thing in common, both require test data. With automatic unit testing, the test data is already included in the test code. However, integration tests – both manual and automatic, exploratory tests, or acceptance tests need to be supplied with test data in advance. Anytime you build a realistic mockup for the unit test in an enterprise environment, complex and correctly related data is required. Also, the tester needs a starting point for the integration and exploratory tests. To avoid having to build the data from scratch, both types need an automatic process to create a test foundation. Enterprise applications store their data in multiple databases on different platforms. They model complex processes which consist of numerous states with many constraints on the related data. To enable agile teams to get the perfect test data that aligns with their current product goals, well planned approaches are crucial. Therefore, a flexible test data pipeline, that can deliver the desired test data fast, is needed. This talk will summarize the key requirements of a test data delivery pipeline, show common problems and how to overcome them, and demonstrate how to build a test data delivery pipeline that’s easy to use for testers, developers, application users and anyone else involved in testing.
Join Christoph Stock, XDM Product Owner and Lead Developer at UBS Hainer, for his webinar at the ASQF Net Week online conference.