z/OS Buffer Pool Tuning Tool

BPA4Db2 automates z/OS buffer pool tuning, improves performance, and lowers costs.

Efficient database buffer pool tuning improves performance and saves mainframe resources, but manual buffer pool tuning usually proves to be challenging.

BPA4Db2 offers a better and cost-effective alternative to manual buffer pool tuning. It is designed to be easy to use, offers Expert System Problem Detection, Problem Resolution Guidance, and an Automated Audit with Pro-Active Notification for impending problems.

Die Frage ist: Gibt es Probleme mit den Bufferpools oder ist das Bufferpool-Setup optimal? Mit anderen Worten: Gibt es Tuning-Potenzial oder nicht? Können Änderungen am Bufferpool-Setup die Gesamtleistung verbessern oder werden sich die Änderungen als überflüssig erweisen? Wie viel Verbesserung kann erwartet werden? Ist es möglich, CPU-Zeit zu sparen? Können Zugriffszeiten verkürzt, Engpässe beseitigt und damit verbundene Probleme vermieden werden?

Revealing problems and tuning opportunities need to be complemented with a metrics system that quantifies the expected improvements. This is particularly important to those responsible for maintaining multiple Db2 subsystems. BPA is a z/OS buffer pool tuning tool that has been designed to provide precise metrics for those who need them.

ReReads together with the ReRead Percentage are unique indicators of good or bad buffer pool behavior. Distinct GetPage describes the memory capacity requirements. ReReads identify avoidable I/Os while Distinct GetPage stands for the size a buffer pool requires. BPA4Db2’s assessment rule is simple:

  • Keine ReReads - Bufferpools in Ruhe lassen und Zeit sinnvoller nutzen
  • ReRead-Prozentsatz > 10 % - es besteht die Möglichkeit, die Leistung zu verbessern

BPA4Db2 indicates tuning potential and bufferpool related problems. Whether the issue resides with group bufferpools, local bufferpools or a particular object, BPA4Db2 provides the information required to resolve the situation.

Wenn er alle möglichen Lösungen für ein Problem oder eine Tuningfrage aufdeckt und beschreibt, tut er dies in einfachen englischen Formulierungen:
enlarge or decrease the pool size of Bpxx to…, change this threshold to…, Re-assign (shift) these objects from BP0x to BP0y.

Valuable DBA time can now be spent on analysis and “what if” reasoning instead of plowing through volumes of raw data. BPA4Db2 generates ALTER statements, offers re-design strategies for the pools and suggests object grouping enhancements.

BPA4Db2 justifies the suggested tuning measures and provides information (rich colored charts) to facilitate a visual analysis. It offers a wealth of bufferpool related details, ReReads, Distinct GetPages, DASD-IO, Average-IO, etc.
Sein Fokus liegt in der Bereitstellung detaillierter Anleitungen zur Problemlösung und Optimierung.

BPA4Db2 makes bufferpool tuning easy. It analyzes measurements, identifies tuning opportunities and provides guidelines and precise instructions for solving problems and tuning the pools. However, maintaining a number of Db2 subsystems under regular observation can occupy the time of one or more DBAs. BPA4Db2 maintains a permanent automated audit. This facility consists of two parts, a Host Component and a Work station. The workstation is used to visualize the analysis results, to explain the findings and to present the recommendations for tuning and problem resolution.

The Host Component gathers the metrics for the Db2 subsystems, creates a metrics file and invokes the Host Examination Component (HEC). HEC processes the metrics file and reviews issues including the ReRead percentage (performance indicator), the sequential prefetch threshold (SPTH), the data management threshold (DMTH), the z/OS system paging rate, as well as issues related to data sharing groups like cross invalidation (XMIDIR), SCA fill level, and Write failures in Group Bufferpool.

Whenever HEC determines that the Db2 system is not adhering to prescribed quality criteria an email alert is sent to the database administration team along with the metrics file. This file gives the DBA access not only to the critical data, but also the ability to use the full analytical power of the local workstation. The tool describes and explains the problem and offers/prepares the best practices counter measures.

The bottom line is BPA4Db2 provides what DBAs require. An interactive webcast demonstration of the product is available to fully explore its many features.
Da die Tools einfach zu bedienen sind, ist es möglich, die von Ihrer Website gewonnenen Daten für eine Online-Rezension zu verwenden, die Sie nachvollziehen können.

Based on the analysis of the metrics collected, BPA4Db2 recommends:
• optimale Bufferpoolgrößen
• geeignete Zuordnung von Objekten zu Pools
• optimale Bufferpool-Schwellenwerteinstellungen

The BPA4Db2 z/OS buffer pool tuning tool offers guidance for an entire redesign of the current buffer pool setup, if required. It also identifies object related problems as well as difficulties that result from  poor SQL. BPA4Db2 fully supports Group Buffer Pool Tuning and allows continuous auditing of the Coupling Facility.

BPA4DB2 wurde entwickelt, um die Bufferpool-Überwachung und das Bufferpool-Tuning zu vereinfachen. Es hilft, ein gelegentliches Projekt zu einer effizienten Daueraufgabe zu machen. Eine Aufgabe, die hilft, Geld zu sparen und Probleme zu vermeiden.

Messungen werden einmal pro Tag oder alle x Stunden geplant. Die hostbasierten Routinen analysieren jede Messdatei und prüfen auf voreingestellte Qualitätskriterien und senden ggf. eine E-Mail-Warnung. Die Datenbankadministration wird von der mühsamen Beobachtung der E/A-Leistung und damit verbundenen Problemen befreit. Sie erhält alle Werkzeuge, die für die Analyse und Bewertung der gesammelten Metriken benötigt werden.

  • Unnötige und teure I/O vermeiden


  • Effiziente Nutzung von IT-Ressourcen


  • Kosten reduzieren
  • Vermeidung von Speicherplatzverlusten


  • Höhere Verfügbarkeit


  • Benutzerzufriedenheit verbessert
  • Engpässe werden vermieden


  • Overall performance of Db2 subsystems improved

Weitere Informationen
about BPA4Db2

Automate buffer pool tuning, improve performance and lower costs with BPA4Db2 z/OS buffer pool tuning tool.