Juni 5 / 2024 / 10:00 am - 11:00 am CEST
Join our live webinar Mastering Test Data Management – Accelerate Your Testing with Smart Data Strategies on June 5th. We will demonstrate UBS Hainer’s test data management tool XDM and how to use it to create smart data strategies for setting up a provisioning process for test data.
Complex system landscapes contain large amounts of data spread over several applications. The challenge for testers and developers is often finding suitable data for the test, although the databases and their structures are unknown. Learn how to get an overview of the entities of your business data and their attributes. Knowing how the data is distributed allows you to elaborate on the best-suited data for your test execution. Get the knowledge of how to extract and apply the data to any test environment, either a static environment or dynamic test environments, that just exist during CI/CD runs of the application. The presentation will lay out how to set up a data provision process for test data that can automatically transport individual business cases by using a simple web form or triggered through a web service from any test automation process. Of course, when using real data, we will take a look at how to mask this data appropriately towards GDPR or HIPAA requirements. On the other hand, the presentation shows insight into how to use extensive modification in the masking process to use it as a test data generation tool. Finally, when using test base data in test automation, we need a mechanism to reset the test data after a test has changed the data. We will see how to get reusable test data and how it can accelerate your test automation.
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